Commercial-grade fireworks were detonated, windows were broken, and property was spray painted by a group of suspects marching through Downtown Portland.

On Wednesday, May 1, 2024, the Portland Police Bureau learned of a planned march in the evening and some information that some were calling for property destruction. Efforts were made to notify downtown businesses and property owners. At about 5:00p.m., Central Precinct officers were alerted to a group gathered in the area of Southwest Park Avenue and Southwest Clay Street, although there were no crimes reported initially.

At about 6:30p.m., reports began coming in that a group of marchers was blocking traffic, and then that one or more suspects were breaking windows and damaging property. At least one report of an explosion came in to police. Reports suggested that many members of the group were uniformly dressed in all black.

Officers from throughout the city responded to assist Central Precinct to patrol the area, take reports of damage, and investigate the crimes committed. No immediate arrests were made. Arrests do not always happen in the moment. Individuals who engage in violent activity or property destruction will be investigated and are subject to arrest and prosecution. PPB will continue to conduct follow-up investigations, make arrests, and forward cases to the Multnomah County District Attorney for prosecution. It is important to remember that although arrests are not always made at the scene, when tensions are high, this does not mean that people are not being charged with crimes later.

At least one undetonated commercial-grade mortar was recovered, and was made safe by the Metro Area Explosives Disposal Unit.

Among the businesses damaged include banks, coffee shops, cell phone and electronics stores, retail clothing and accessories shops, and property belonging to Portland State University. No reports of injuries have been made.

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