Members of the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, spearheaded by the Sheriff’s Office Criminal Apprehension Team with support from the U.S. Marshals Service and Oregon State Police, recently combined their efforts during Operation Whiskers. The mission’s priority was to target non-compliance sex offenders residing in Washington County. Oregon law requires registered sex offenders to comply with all sex offender laws and registration requirements.

Operation Whiskers resulted in 510 sex offender compliance checks conducted within Washington County from May 1 to June 11, 2023. The operation focused on conducting compliance checks on sex offenders at their last reported residence, as well as investigating and locating non-compliance sex offenders. Non-compliant sex offenders include individuals who are in violation of their sex offender registration requirements. 

Operation Whiskers results:

  • 510 compliance checks – last reported as residing in Washington County
  • Of those, 12 were identified as not residing at their reported residence
  • 28 sex offenders were investigated for being out of compliance
  • 19 arrests/citations charges for ORS 163A.040 – Failure to Report as Sex Offender
  • 1 unrelated warrant arrest

The Sheriff’s Office, U.S. Marshals Service and Oregon State Police all share the responsibility of supporting missions such as Operation Whiskers, to lower the risk that non-complaint offenders pose to public safety and reduce the number of future incidents from reoccurring. 

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