On Thursday, March 17, 2022, at 7:48am., Portland PD officers were dispatched to Providence Hospital after hospital security called 911 to report that a minivan had been stolen. While officers were still on their way, they learned that a 6-year-old girl was inside the vehicle when it was taken. Immediately upon learning this information, officers from all precincts attached themselves to the call and began responding to the area to search for the minivan and young child. 

Officers who responded to the hospital learned that the girl’s parents had driven to the hospital because one was feeling ill. When the driver of the minivan arrived at the Emergency Room entrance, he walked around to the passenger’s side to help his wife into a wheelchair. The minivan was still running, and it was in this split-second that the suspect jumped inside and drove away. 

Security staff was quickly able to identify the suspect as 26-year-old Colton Ian Suckow (also given as Seukow), who had just been released from the hospital after a Police Officer’s Hold. While the search was continuing, Officers learned Suckow had been waiting for a cab, which security helped him order. The cab company was able to provide the initial destination Suckow originally intended to travel to, and headed in that direction. Officers located the minivan parked near the intersection of Southeast 54th Avenue and Southeast Mitchell Street. Suckow was walking toward the vehicle and it appeared as if he was about to get back inside. Officers were able to safely take him into custody. More importantly, officers were beyond relieved to discover the 6-year-old girl safely seated inside. 

Suckow is in police custody, and Homicide Detectives, who typically investigate kidnapping cases in Portland, are currently investigating to determine appropriate charges. Suckow will most likely face charges of Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle and Kidnapping in the Second Degree. 

All of Portland’s Police Officers, and East Precinct Officers in particular, felt a huge sense of relief and pride that they could be a part of reuniting this family after such a horrible occurrence. 

Commander Erica Hurley said of the incident, “As the East Precinct Commander, I was monitoring from the beginning. The men and women of the Police Bureau have once again shown their dedication, commitment, and their hearts for serving this community. Your officers found this scared little girl safely within the hour, and it’s just another example of the great work our officers do on a daily basis.” 

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