On April 15, 2022, Matthew Colin Broadwell, age 34, pleaded guilty to first-degree sodomy, four counts of first-degree unlawful sexual penetration, four counts of first-degree sexual abuse, and incest. On July 11, 2022, Judge Erik Buchér sentenced the defendant to 30 years in prison. Deputy District Attorney Sara Loebner prosecuted the case.

In July of 2021, the victim told her grandmother that the defendant forced her to touch him inappropriately. Experts from CARES Northwest and the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) spoke with the child. She detailed many instances of sexual abuse by the defendant.

Beaverton police and ODHS confronted the defendant with these allegations. He initially denied any wrongdoing. After he was arrested, Mr. Broadwell admitted to sexually abusing the child on multiple occasions. 

The Washington County District Attorney’s Office commend the victim’s family for reporting this abuse to authorities and acknowledged the Beaverton police, CARES Northwest, and ODHS for their work. 

Mr. Broadwell will be transferred to the Oregon Department of Corrections to begin serving his sentence. 

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