Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt today announced that a grand jury indicted Adrian Austin Cummins, 25, on 12 charges from Saturday’s stabbing incident on a MAX light rail train in southeast Portland:

  • One count of Attempted Murder in the Second Degree
  • One count of Assault in the First Degree
  • One count of Assault in the Second Degree
  • Two counts of Bias Crime in the First Degree
  • One count of Robbery in the First Degree
  • Three counts of Unlawful Use of a Weapon
  • One count of Interfering with Public Transportation
  • One count of Attempted Assault in the First Degree
  • One count of Attempted Assault in the Second Degree

Upon review of the evidence provided by law enforcement, Deputy District Attorneys Julian Samuels and Charlie Weiss presented the case to the Grand Jury, which returned a true bill of indictment today. Cummins is scheduled to be arraigned on the indictment on September 13, 2023.

Following Cummins’ arrest on September 2, 2023, MCDA filed a motion with the court seeking preventative detention – a means of denying any release during the pendency of the case. Prosecutors presented arguments to Judge Steffan Alexander yesterday, and the judge granted the motion. This means Cummins will not be released until resolution of his case.

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