On July 6, 2022, Judge Andrew Erwin sentenced Luis Hernandez-Sanchez, age 53, to 375 months in prison. On July 1, 2022, a Washington County jury found the defendant guilty of two counts of first-degree sodomy, two counts of first-degree rape, three counts of first-degree sexual penetration, and five counts of first-degree sex abuse. Deputy District Attorney Chris Lewman prosecuted the case against Mr. Hernandez-Sanchez.

In 2015, the victim told a friend that the defendant sexually abused her. That friend alerted her father who then called police. Beaverton police and investigators with the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) met with the victim. She told them the defendant abused her multiple times over a period of several years. Police arrested the defendant who denied any wrongdoing. 

The Washington County District Attorney’s Office commended the victim for reporting this abuse, and acknowledged the Beaverton Police, ODHS, and CARES Northwest for their work on this case. 

The defendant will be transferred to the Oregon Department of Corrections to begin serving his sentence. 

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