On Tuesday night, March 15, 2022, at about 7:36 pm, Hillsboro Police received a call involving a suicidal person. Officers learned that the suicidal person was identified as 20-year old Alan Gibson. Mr. Gibson had entered an apartment at 2055 SE 44th Ave. Hillsboro that was occupied by at least two people who were known to him.  Mr. Gibson was able to get a firearm and made statements that he wanted to kill himself. Shortly after Mr. Gibson had possession of the firearm, the two occupants of the apartment left safely leaving Mr. Gibson alone in the apartment. This began an almost 12-hour negotiation with the Washington County Multi-Agency Tactical Negotiations Team and the Washington County Multi-Agency Crisis Negotiations unit.

After almost 12-hours of negotiations, Mr. Gibson took his own life by suicide on Wednesday, March 16, just before 8:00 am.


Those who were involved or assisted in this incident include: Washington County Sheriff’s Office Tactical Negotiations Team (TNT), the Washington County Sheriff’s Office Crisis Negotiations Unit (CNU), Hillsboro Fire & Rescue, Metro West Ambulance, Washington County Sheriff’s Office ROVT-Remotely Operated Vehicle Team (drone team), Faith Bible Christian School (the use of their facilities during this incident to shelter those who were displaced), and Tri-Met (the use of their buses).

The Tactical Negotiations Team (TNT) is an interagency, highly skilled, and well-equipped tactical unit that responds to extremely hazardous situations where conventional police tactics and equipment may be inadequate. Also known as SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics), TNT is made up of Sheriff’s Office deputies and police officers from Hillsboro Police Department, Beaverton Police Department, Tualatin Police Department, and medics from Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue.

The Crisis Negotiations Unit (CNU) is an interagency team that works to create a peaceful resolution to what can be highly volatile situations. The team responds to many callouts throughout Washington County every year, oftentimes in tandem with the Tactical Negotiations Team. The team members are trained in crisis negotiation and use those skills to bring about the safest resolution possible.

major crimes.

The Remotely Operated Vehicle Team (ROVT) supports law enforcement operations throughout the county using robotics, unmanned aircraft (drones), and other cutting-edge technology. Team members often respond to incidents involving the Tactical Negotiations Team (TNT) or even regular patrol operations. ROVT is leading the way in drone usage for law enforcement agencies, proving the technology can be useful in many circumstances.


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