Norbeto Nestor Muniz Junior Convicted Of Murder

On February 4, 2022, a Washington County jury found Norbeto Nestor Muniz Jr., guilty of murder, and first-degree abuse of a corpse.

The incident dates back to November 17, 2018, when Beaverton police were called to a home off of SW Allen Boulevard on a report of a suspicious circumstance. Responding officers searched the home and found the body of Amy Low. Ms. Low’s body was badly burned, and she was not positively identified until January of 2019. 

Ms. Low lived at the residence with the Muniz and another man. Detectives identified Muniz as a suspect in the crime. Investigators secured a search warrant and found several items of interest in the home including items which contained DNA evidence. They determined Ms. Low was beaten to death and subsequently burned in a backyard burn pile. 

Muniz was arrested with the assistance of Portland police on May 8, 2019 and was held until trial. Muniz was recently released from prison after serving a Measure 11 sentence for first-degree robbery. 

A sentencing hearing is scheduled for February 8, 2022 at 1:30 p.m.

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