On November 9, 2023, Raymond Andrew Hanners pleaded guilty to Bias Crime in the First Degree and Assault in the Third Degree. His co-defendant, Damion Leigh Sherk, pleaded guilty to Assault in the Third Degree. Both defendants were sentenced by Judge Theodore Sims. Mr. Hanners was sentenced to three years of supervised probation and ordered to submit to anger and mental health evaluations and no contact with the victim. Judge Sims ordered a 30-day jail sanction if he violates his probation conditions. Mr. Sherk was also placed on three years of supervised probation, ordered to submit to an anger evaluation, and sentenced to 10 days in the Washington County Jail. Deputy District Attorney Christina Luedtke prosecuted this case.

Mr. Hanners and Mr. Sherk are family members and lived together at an apartment complex in Tigard, Oregon.  The victim was their neighbor. On October 10, 2022, the victim, who is African American, parked his car at the complex and began walking into his apartment. Mr. Hanners stood on his front porch and attempted to provoke the victim by directing racial slurs towards him. The victim approached Mr. Hanners to ask why he was speaking to him in this manner. At that point, Mr. Sherk ran out from inside the apartment and began assaulting the victim. Mr. Hanners joined in the attack which continued throughout the parking lot. Bystanders eventually intervened and called law enforcement. 

raymond hanners bias crime assault
Raymond Hanners, who directed racial slurs at the victim prior to the assault (Photo via: Washington County District Attorney’s Office).

Mr. Hanners admitted to officers that he used racial slurs leading up to the assault. The incident was also recorded by security cameras. The assault left the victim with multiple injuries.

The Washington County District Attorney’s Office is committed to protecting all members of our community from hate and bias. This office leads the Washington County Bias Crime Multidisciplinary Team (MDT). The MDT consists of members from law enforcement agencies and community partner organizations from across Washington County. Victims of bias crimes are urged to report incidents to law enforcement so that they can be properly investigated and prosecuted. Victims can also utilize the Bias Response Hotline operated by the Oregon Department of Justice. 

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